
Flaxseeds are the king of all seeds

Flaxseeds are the king of all seeds. They have one of the highest levels of oil in them, and they’re low in carbs too. Their nutritional content, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids make them a superfood. Flaxseeds used for centuries to treat digestive problems and inflammation.


  • Flaxseeds contain more nutrients than any other whole food. Flaxseeds are a great way to get omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Flaxseeds are the king of all seeds. it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have many health benefits. Flaxseed is also high in fiber, calcium, and magnesium.

Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 and omega-6

  •  Flaxseeds are the rich source of fiber which makes them a perfect weight loss food. The fiber in flaxseeds helps to reduce hunger and stop overeating or snack between meals.
  • Flaxseed is high in omega-3, omega-6 and fatty acids which help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce inflammation which is one of the leading causes of disease in our body.
  • Flaxseed is one of the best sources of dietary fiber and contains about 30% protein along with 20% fat content.
  • Flaxseeds contain all eight essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source.

Flaxseeds prevent us from many disease

  • Flaxseed is high in omega-3 fatty acids which help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce inflammation which is one of the leading causes of disease in our body.
  • Flaxseeds contains lignans which help lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease and increase your anti-cancer properties.
  • Flaxseed used since ancient times because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis symptoms like rheumatism and sciatica.
  • Flaxseed also reduces the risk of heart attack by reducing bad cholesterol levels in your bloodstream.
  • Flaxseeds increase your  antioxidants capacity that fight free radical damage to your cells.

Doctors also  recommended to include Flaxseed in your food

  • flaxseeds also the rich source of  iron and calcium, Doctors also  recommended to include it as in your food to help with constipation and the seed itself is a laxative.
  • Flaxseeds can be eaten raw or ground into meals and used as an ingredient in baked goods, salad dressings, smoothies or even sprinkled on top of your cereal!
  • You can also add flaxseed to your morning smoothie or green juice for a delicious way to start your day!
  • Flaxseed can be used to make loaves of bread, muffins, and baked goods but it is best consumed raw as it can become rancid when cooked over heat or exposed to air.
  • Flaxseeds used from thousands of years as a food source, medicine, and as an ingredient in cosmetics.

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