The easiest way to eat Flaxseeds is to crack them open and grind them into a powder. This can be done with a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder, but any high-quality blender will also do the trick.

- We can eat flaxseeds by soaking them in water for at least 24 hours before cooking.
- Soaking process allows the nutrients in the seed to become more bioavailable, increasing its nutritional value and making it easier for your body to digest.
Great source of protein
- Flaxseeds are a great source of protein, fiber, omega 3,omega 6 and healthy fats. They’re also easy to digest and have a low glycaemic index, meaning they don’t spike blood sugar levels after you eat them.
- Flaxseeds are high in calories, so if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight loss, it’s important to keep track of the number of calories you consume each day.
- Flaxseeds have high amounts of protein but low amounts of fat. The fat helps you to feel fuller for longer periods and not to feel hungry between meals or between snacks.
- Flaxseeds also contain zero cholesterol so we can eat flaxseed them without worrying about any health risks associated with them.
- Flaxseeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They’re also easy to digest and have a low glycaemic index, meaning they don’t spike…
flaxseeds can be take both dried or ungrounded form
- Flaxseeds can be added to your diet in dried form or whole, ungrounded form. The dried forms have a neutral flavour, we can sprinkle in salad, snacks and other ingredients in recipes.
- Flax seeds are available in bulk at most grocery stores and specialty shops, but they do not keep well because they become rancid quickly when exposed to air. For this reason, it is best to buy them fresh and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use.
- The flaxseeds of this legume are best when cooked, either in a pressure cooker or in boiling water. we can also eat them raw, particularly with sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
Flaxseeds are also a good alternative of Eggs
- We can add flaxseeds to baked goods, salad dressings, smoothies, or yogurt as a healthy alternative to eggs.
- One way to ground the flaxseed and convert in flour and try it for making healthy baked goods or smoothies.
- The hard outer layer of the flaxseeds is full of protein and the inner soft layer is full of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. The Flaxseed fiber helps you to stay full for longer periods and also provides some protection against constipation.